美国佛罗里达州于1987年3月28日和4月7日,收治4例病人经证实是感染 B-病毒(Ⅰ型猕猴疱疹病毒)所致。其中3例是猴子管理工作人员,另1例则是其中1例病人的妻子。有2例是在被猴子咬伤或抓伤后发病,症状严重,除有寒战、发热、头晕、嗜睡和肌痛等症状外,受伤的肢体麻木和感觉异常,伤口附近有疱疹,后来出现复视、神志模糊、呼吸困难甚至停止,需使用呼吸杋。其中1例处于半昏迷状态,另1例病情恶化而死亡。死者的妻子曾在死者生前替他在伤口涂药,亦被感染得病,但症状较轻。
Florida, Florida, USA On March 28, 1987 and April 7, 1987, 4 patients were confirmed to have been infected with B-virus (herpes simplex virus type 1). Three of these were monkey management staff and the other one was the wife of one of the patients. 2 cases were bites or scratches after the onset of the disease, the symptoms are severe, in addition to chills, fever, dizziness, drowsiness and myalgia and other symptoms, the injured limb numbness and sensory abnormalities, herpes near the wound, and later complex Visual, ambiguous, breathing difficulties or even stop, need to use breathing 杋. One of them was in a semi-coma, and the other one died of his condition deteriorating. The deceased’s wife had applied for wounds in the deceased and was also infected but the symptoms were mild.