For a woman with severe deafness, she had some residual hearing below 500 Hz and conducted an experimental study of her hearing improvement when using a Safa hearing aid. The approach used is speech intelligibility test and consonant perception confusion matrix analysis. The intelligibility test is conducted in three different conditions: (1) without hearing aid; (2) with lip aid without lip reading; (3) with hearing aids and lip reading only. The results show that: (1) Saiful hearing aid is helpful to improve the recognition rate of tone; (2) Saifu hearing aid can improve the intelligibility of multi-syllable words more than monosyllable words; (3) Saffi’s hearing aid can make words understandable 40% increase in syllables and 25% increase in syllable sharpness; (4) Sawyer hearing aids help to improve perception of consonant pronunciation method, but not to perceive pronunciation part.