激情12小时大众汽车中国赛车Scirocco R-Cup12小时耐力赛

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中国车手的胜利,让我们在12个小时的等待后激动无比,毫无倦意。继8月的精彩赛事之后,“大众汽车中国赛车Scirocco R-Cup”第五场分站赛再次登陆马来西亚雪邦赛道。与以往不同的是,本站赛事突破了常规的比赛形式,升级为12小时耐力赛,与闻名全球、风靡亚洲的马来西亚“千禧耐力赛”同台演绎。这也是“大众汽车中国赛车SciroccoR-Cup”在全球范围内首次举办的12小时耐力赛。 The victory of the Chinese driver made us excited and tired after 12 hours of waiting. Following the exciting events of August, the fifth race of “Volkswagen China Scirocco R-Cup” again landed at Sepang, Malaysia. Different from the past, this site events broke the conventional form of competition, upgraded to 12-hour endurance race, and the world-famous, popular in Asia, Malaysia “Millennium Endurance Race ” on the same stage interpretation. This is also the first “Volvo China Racing SciroccoR-Cup” held in the world for the first time in 12-hour race.
小档案:车型:中国重汽HOW0 A7 6×4牵引车购买日期:2010年8月26日发动机型号:D1 2.38-30发动机功率:279kW(380马力)基本用途:长途物流发稿时行驶里程:41 000km上期本刊报道了
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