患者 ,男 ,4 0岁。主因发热 10d入院。患者近10d发冷发烧 ,头痛头晕 ,周身关节疼痛 ,纳呆 ,小便黄 ,大便 3日未下。曾在外院用先锋霉素 6号、病毒唑、双黄连粉针剂治疗 ,效不佳而转我院。查体 :T 38 9℃ ,P 10 2次 /min ,R 2 0次 /min ,BP 15/ 10kPa ,全身皮肤
Patient, male, 40 years old. Mainly due to fever 10d admitted to hospital. The patient had a cold fever in the past 10 days, headache, dizziness, joint pain in the whole body, poor appetite, yellow urine, and bowel movements on the 3rd. He had been treated with Pioneermycin No. 6, Ribavirin, and Shuanghuanglian injection in the other hospitals and he was transferred to our hospital with poor results. Physical examination: T 38 9°C, P 10 2 times/min, R 2 0 times/min, BP 15/ 10kPa, full body skin