Female patient, 61 years old, due to repeated dizziness, palpitation, chest tightness more than ten years with face, eyes and face floating seeds, neck species Zhang for half a year. With essential hypertension in November 12, 1988 income hospital. Physical examination: BP23 / 15kPa, face, eyes face edema, neck swelling obvious, thyroid enlargement. No palpable abnormal mass, the body superficial lymph nodes are not palpable, chest symmetry, consistent breathing, the heart is not big, heart Qi Qi, the valve area is not heard and pathological murmur. Perling area without percussion pain, both lower extremity is not swollen. B ultrasound, echocardiography normal. ECG: Primary T-wave changes, Q-T slightly prolonged. Chest X-ray: thick right hilar, lung pattern fine stenosis, cardiac arrhythmia, left heart margin, tortuous aorta bulging.