弹力纤维瘤是一种少见的纤维结缔组织瘤样增生性疾病,具有独特的临床过程和组织学特点。本瘤由Jαarvi和Saxén于1961年首先报道。我们在工作中发现1例,现报道如下: 1 病例报告 患者,女性,63岁。2月前发现背部右侧肩胛下一肿物,局部酸胀不适,并逐渐增大,于1997年2月9日入院要求手术治疗。查体:背部右侧肩胛下肿物,椭圆形,4cm×7cm大小,表面光滑,边界尚清,质韧,手推活动差,无触痛。双臂上举前伸时,肿物明显突出,双臂下放时,肿物消失。肩关节活动不受限。术中见肿物位于
Fibroblastoma is a rare fibrous connective tissue neoplastic hyperplasia with unique clinical and histological features. This tumor was first reported by Jαarvi and Saxén in 1961. We found 1 case at work and are reported as follows: 1 Case report Patient, female, 63 years old. Before 2 months ago, he found that the right hemiplegia of the back of the back was not suitable for the patient, but he was gradually enlarged. He was admitted to the hospital on February 9, 1997 for surgical treatment. Physical examination: The back of the lower right side of the scapular mass, oval, 4cm × 7cm in size, the surface is smooth, the border is still clear, quality and tough, poor push activities, no tenderness. When the arms are stretched forward, the tumor is prominent, and when the arms are lowered, the tumor disappears. Shoulder joint activity is not limited. Intraoperative see tumor located