为完成党在新世纪新阶段全面建设小康社会这个奋斗目标 ,按照“发展要有新思路 ,各项工作要有新举措”的总体要求 ,当前全国各地都在加快“三化”的推进。因此 ,正确认识、准确把握工业化、城镇化和农业产业化以及“三化互动”的关系 ,对于更好地指导实践工作有积极的意义。下
In order to complete the party’s goal of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way in the new century and in accordance with the overall requirements of “developing new ideas and taking new initiatives in all fields of work,” the acceleration of the “three modernization” in various parts of the country is accelerating. Therefore, to correctly understand and accurately grasp the relationship between industrialization, urbanization and agricultural industrialization as well as the “three interactions” has a positive meaning for better guiding practical work. under