不知从何时起,本来很正常的一次体育活动、一场体育比赛,一经记者们“妙笔生花”,就被抹上了一层或浓或淡的暴力色彩。如“在洛杉矶杀得性起的开拓者”、“帕尔梅拉斯杀入四强”、“莫宁单骑救主 湖人吞吃太阳”、“大连活剥‘双冠王’海狮生吞‘领头羊’”、“湖人痛宰公牛”、“哥俩刺刀见红了”、“德意志血洗英格兰”等,竟是在报道某场比赛!而与此相应,从事体育的各类人士也都随之变了个样。教练成了“帅”;队员成了“将军”、“兵”、“炮弹”、“射手”,其至“杀手”;整个
I do not know since when it was normal for a sporting event or a sporting event to have been overshadowed by thick or light violent colors once journalists “wielded their pen.” Such as “Blazers in Los Angeles to kill”, “Palmelas reached the semi-finals,” “Monopoly Savior Lakers devour the sun,” “Live Strip Dalian ’ ’Leader’ ’,’ Lakers pain slaughter the bull ’,’ the two brothers Bayonet see the red ’,’ Germany bloodbathing England ’, actually reporting a race! And accordingly, all kinds of people engaged in sports have also changed. The coaches became ”handsome“; the team members became ”generals“, ”soldiers“, ”artillery shells“, ”shooters“ and ”killers"