在遵循现行规章制度的办公室工作之外,经常会遇到一些无章可循的工作,这就需要管理者充分发挥自己的主动性、创造性。笔者将这类非常规性的管理称为不定常管理,并试用管理科学的理论方法,对不定常管理存在的理由、应用原则及其实践内容作一初探。 一、传统的办公室管理越显其弊 长期以来,办公室的管理基本上囿于按章办事、勤于指令,创造性差,缺乏活力。其特征主要有:一是抓具体事务多,想大事、出主意、参与政务、发挥智囊作用少。二是重单纯的承上启下、传达文件,轻信息的综合处理。三是重坐守机关,轻深入基层调查
In addition to following the existing rules and regulations of the office work, often encounter some unsightly work, which requires managers to give full play to their initiative and creativity. I refer to this kind of unconventional management as unscheduled management, and try the theoretical methods of management science to make a tentative probe into the reasons, application principles and practical contents of unsound management. First, the more obvious the disadvantages of the traditional office management For a long time, the management of the office basically based on the rules and regulations, diligent in the instructions, creative, lack of vitality. The main features are: First, grasping more specific matters, think big events, ideas, participation in government affairs, play a role of think tank less. The second is a simple combination of context, convey documents, light information processing. Third, re-sit the organs, light into the grassroots investigation