光电技术应用2018年第33卷第5期 目录
【出 处】
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) has already been a multifunctional modality for various tumors and nontumorous diseases. However, the development of photosensitizers is relatively delayed, compared with the tremendous progress in laser technology. Elsinochrome
The side-coupler of angle polished method, using angle-polished multimode fiber and optical adhesive, is used to efficiently pump an Yb-doped double-clad fiber laser. The maximum coupling efficiency of 78.6% is achieved by the side-coupler for a multimode
研究光在生物组织中的传输过程时需要更精确的散射相函数, 这就需要研究细胞核对相函数的影响。基于几何散射逼近理论修正了单一分散系有核细胞的Mie相函数、不对称因子g和二阶参量γ; 分析了有核细胞形态及光学参量对Mie相函数角分布和Airy峰数的影响; 对g和γ随入射光波长、细胞尺寸、核质比和折射率的变化规律进行了数值模拟。结果表明:Mie相函数分布、Airy峰数、g和γ不仅与细胞的大小有关, 而且与细胞核占比及折射率有关, 不能忽略细胞内部光学结构的影响。与HG相函数相比, Mie相函数能够描述侧后向散射特
Two-photon absorption (2PA) in zinc sulphide (ZnS) and Mn2 -doped ZnS quantum dots is reported by the z-scan technique, with nanosecond pulsed laser radiation at 355 nm. The observed values of the 2PA cross section of all the samples are 105 times larger