【摘 要】
We investigate the torque on a specially shaped rotator produced by a vortex beam.The formulas for the torque along x,y and z directions axe derived,and numeric
【机 构】
College of Information Science & Enginqeering,tuaqiao University,Xiamen 361021 “,”College of Physica
We investigate the torque on a specially shaped rotator produced by a vortex beam.The formulas for the torque along x,y and z directions axe derived,and numerical calculation is performed.It is found that for the specially shaped rotator,the torque brought by the Laguerre-Gauss (LG) vortex beam is dependent upon the angle of the facet for each part of the rotator,and the topological charge of the vortex beam.It is shown that torque is generated from both the light momentum and orbital angular momentum (OAM) of the incident vortex beam,indicating that we can control the rotation of the rotator by modulating the OAM of the incident light beam.
An approximate analytical solution in the form of a rapidly convergent series for tracing light rays through an inhomogeneous graded index medium is developed,u
Based on the full cavitation model which adopts homogeneous flow supposition and considering the compressibility effect on cavitation flow to modify the re-norm
摘 要:在我国工业进程不断推进过程中,日益严峻的环境问题也成为人们关注的重点,且环境监测工作也逐渐成为决定环境保护工作成败的关键。然而在实际中,我国的环境监测工作仍然存在一些缺陷和不足,影响到最终的监测质量以及污染防治效果。因此,相关部门应该着重探索和研究当前环境监测工作现状,提出有建设性的改正策略,从而为今后的环境监测工作指明方向。 关键词:环境监测;现状;应对;环境保护 环境监测工作是我国
摘 要:大庆油田矿区服务事业部成立于2007年,主要包括物业与公共事业(物业服务、民用水电气暖供给)、社会公益性事业(道路养护、公交通勤、文体服务、保险、幼教)、离退休管理、医疗卫生等业务。目前,物业与公共事业有物业服务面积3410余万m2,供热面积3450多万m2,油田矿区能源消耗较大,做好能耗控制,降低运行成本至关重要。本文结合节能管理岗位实际,论述了加强能耗管理的几个方面。 关键词:油田矿
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