人工智能是当代工程科技前沿研究中的学科领域之一,也是国家科技发展规划的重点领域和优先主题。以EI Compendex数据库收录的国际人工智能领域权威学术会议AAAI2002-2011年的会议论文为研究对象,运用科学计量学方法和可视化技术,绘制当代国际人工智能领域的知识图谱,对包括国别、机构和作者在内的研究力量分布以及热点、前沿和所涉学科在内的主题内容进行分析和总结。此外,通过对知识图谱的深度解读,发现科学计量及可视化方法在探析学科领域研究主题时,既需改进自身的方法工具,也应与内容分析及作者行文模式等研究相结合。
Artificial intelligence is one of the subject areas in the frontier research of contemporary engineering science and technology. It is also the key area and the priority theme of the national science and technology development plan. The AAAI2002-2011 Conference, an authoritative academic conference in the field of International Artificial Intelligence, which is based on the EI Compendex database, is aiming to explore the knowledge map of contemporary international artificial intelligence fields using scientific metrology methods and visualization techniques, The author’s research strength distribution and hot topics, frontiers and the subjects involved in the subject content analysis and summary. In addition, through the deep interpretation of the knowledge map, it is found that sci- entification and visualization methods not only need to improve their own methodological tools but also combine with the content analysis and the author’s mode of writing in the exploration of subjects in the field of disciplines.