它包裹着娱乐的外衣,以一种吃喝玩乐的姿态把想说的都说了。我大学毕业开始人生第一份工作,不久之后恰逢新年。当时我所在的部门由一位副总分管,在那一年的年会上,这位年届四十的副总,带领着一群年届三十的主管,以及像我这样的新鲜人们,配上全套嘻哈装扮,在舞台上热舞了一曲当年最流行的ParaP ara。现在想想,那情景真是滑稽。一群平日里不苟言笑的大老爷们,用鸭舌帽遮住微秃的头顶,用卫衣包裹住啤酒肚,像做操一样比划着郭富城浪漫的舞步。在当时的我眼里,那个晚上好
It wrapped entertaining outerwear, in a gesture of eating and drinking want to say have said. After graduating from college, I started my first job in life, which coincided with the new year. At that time, my department was headed by a vice president. At that year’s annual meeting, the 40-year-old vice president led a group of 30 executives and fresh people like me with On a full set of hip hop dress, dance on the stage a popular ParaPrara. Now think about it, that scene is really funny. A group of unsmiling grand masters on weekdays, covered with bald cap micro-bald head, wrapped with sweater beer belly, like doing gymnastics Aaron Kwok romantic gestures. In my eyes at that time, that evening was good