Napoleon’s Attitude and Policies Towards the Jews

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  Abstract:Napoleon I made and implemented a series of policies toward the Jews. Due to the impact of the Great Revolution of France, the military attack and regime of Napoleon I emancipated the Jews under those outdated and moribund Empires, and entitled them citizen rights and equality of law status. However, it was the same person that imposed prohibitions on Jews and attempted to assimilate them. The egoism embodied by Napoleons policies was not only excluded the nationality of the Jews, but also play an incentive part in the formation of modern Zionism.
  Key words: French Revolution; Napoleon; The Jews; Policies
  I. Napoleon’s policy and attitude towards the Jews
  1.1 Napoleon’s policy towards the Jews in early period
  In order to attack the British forces in the Far East and Middle East regions, Napoleon started to expand to Egypt and Pakistan. When he heard that the king of Malta did not allow their Jews in their own religious beliefs and to treat them brutally Jews as slaves, Napoleon freed the Jews of Malta and they built the synagogue. During the period of Napoleon in the occupation of Egypt, he bring the policy of liberation of the Jews in Italy to Egypt, give Egypt Jews the equal right of religion, permitted Jews to establish their own organizations for their trust. The most striking thing Napoleon in Egypt is appointed two Egyptian Jews as a "prelate Jewish state" in July 1798, this is Napoleon used the concept of "Jewish state" for the first time in dealing with the problem. In order to get the local Jewish Jews around the world and the Jewish community support, the first day of the traditional Jewish Passove on April 20, 1799 , Napoleon issued a political declaration in Palestine.
  1.2 Domestic policy of the Jews after Napoleon held power
  Napoleon issued a decree granting religious freedom force of French citizens on April 8,1802, Jews and other Shiite have equal freedom of religious belief. After the Alsace incident subsided, Napoleon determined to manage the Jews, make the Jews integrate into the French society as soon as possible. Napoleon launched the "Jewish celebrity meeting in July 1806" (The Assembly of Notable). He expected the Jews use their own organization in their own communities but within France, quickly integrate and assimilate to the French society. Napoleon liberated Jews, give equal rights to Jews and held some practices of the Sanhedrin also has many objections, Napoleon decides to issue a series of restrictions and control of the Jewish law. At the same time Napoleon also strengthened the Jewish economic activity management. In March 1880, he issued a decree to limit Jewish economic activities, no local administration Sir licensed by the Jews, within ten years shall not engage in business, credit business, the Jews license is invalid; reduce or exempt, To put off all Jewish debt owed, Jewish recruits shall replace the veterans, Christians can pay for volunteers to exempt from military service; right of residence of the Jews also made some provisions, as a reduction of Alsace's Jewish measures, Napoleon banned Jews who leave to return to their original home. Even in France, the Jews don't be allowed to change their residence, unless they have their initial purchase country and promised them all dedicated to agriculture.   1.3 Napoleon’s policy towards the Jews in the European conquest district
  During the 1797 annual military expedition to Italy, Napoleon destroyed the local Jewish ghetto, in July 1797, Venice ghetto's door was burned down in the cheers of the crowd, Rome and other places are also separated open in 1798. The abolition of restrictions on Jews and Jews to levy "special tax", give them full citizenship right, the Jews will no longer wear marks insulting, they can freely engage in various kinds of occupation and position. Napoleon came to power after the liberation of the Jews, continue to implement the policy. In Portugal, Spain, Napoleon closed the inquisition, many "Ma Lan Nobel" first openly The Jewish identity. Under the influence of Napoleon, the Portuguese gave their Jewish complete religious freedom and the opening was closed for 200 years in the synagogue. Napoleon called on "the Sanhedrin" and he occupied the implement the Jewish liberation and tolerance policy in France and in Europe also greatly touched the czar of Russia, especially in the area of Poland near the Russian, Napoleon helped build the Grand Duchy of Warsaw, giving Poland Jews equal rights under his rule, it is widely influences nearby Russia and Poland region under his rule.
  II. Comments on the Jewish policy of Napoleon
  Napoleon is the first modern politicians to look at the "Jewish problem" as a basic issue in international politics , not only directly promote the emancipation of the Jews and the civil rights and equal status, but play an important indirect effect and in the history of Jewish Liberation: Napoleon is the first European ruler to give the citizens' equal rights to the Jews, and break the local feudal autocratic system in his conquest of the region, the "freedom, equality, fraternity" bring the spirit of the local Jews.
  [1]Howard Morley Sachar ,The Course of Modern Jewish History, Dell Publishing Co.Inc.New York, 1977.
  [2]Franz. Kobler , Napoleon and the Jews , Leo Baeck Institute, New York and Massada Press Ltd.,Jerusalem,1976.
  [3]Will &Ariel Durant ,The Age of Napoleon, Simon And Schuser ,New York 1975.
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