临床资料患者,男,56岁。以“胸闷、气促、伴间断胸疼16 d,加重2 d”入院。该患者入院前16 d无明显诱因出现胸闷、气促、间断伴右胸部闷痛,无放射,活动后加剧,伴乏力,烦躁,有夜间阵发性呼吸困难,端坐呼吸。于当地医院接受抗结核病治疗,未见好转。入院前2 d患者胸闷及胸痛症状加重,遂来我院就诊,饮食及睡眠欠佳,大、小便正常,体重未见明显减轻。入院查体:心率82次/分,心音钝,律齐;血压
Clinical data patients, male, 56 years old. To “chest tightness, shortness of breath, with intermittent chest pain 16 d, increased 2 d ” admission. 16 days before admission, the patient had no obvious incentive chest tightness, shortness of breath, intermittent with right chest pain, no radiation, aggravated after activity, with fatigue, irritability, with paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, sitting and breathing. In local hospitals receiving anti-tuberculosis treatment, no improvement. 2 d before admission, patients with chest tightness and chest pain worsened, then came to our hospital for treatment, poor diet and sleep, urine, normal, no significant weight loss. Admission examination: heart rate 82 beats / min, heart sound blunt, law Qi; blood pressure