Cotton fiber is derived from the seed shell epidermal single cell development. Cell elongation of about 20 days, followed by secondary wall thickening of more than 20 days, there is overlap between the two processes. The successive knowledge of fiber development provides a framework for examining the effects of stress factors. There must be some constraints in the biological system. Otherwise one fibroblast will stretch indefinitely and / or the secondary wall will continue to thicken, turning the fibroblasts into a solid cylinder. We understand that given varieties grow only to fixed-length fibers, and that the secondary walls of fibers thicken only a specific amount. Therefore, it can be inferred that both fiber length and secondary wall thickening are genetically controlled. The environmental conditions of fertility determine whether the fiber length and secondary wall thickening can reach the potential of the genetic system. Deviation from the most suitable reproductive conditions or stress, will affect the development speed and most