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(一) 蒙化縣人民政府民政字第四四一號呈,反映縣級辦理優撫工作,碰到的實際困難問題。(1)優撫條例硬性規定優撫的標准和數目,而每縣的優撫費,是由上級分配下來的。弄成將米煑飯、粥少僧多,不能照條例發給。(2)每季優撫費,要在過後才撥下來,時間遲早,數目多少,不能預定。在辦理時,縮手縮脚的,恐怕實際支發數,超過了分配數,報銷不掉。(3)有些優撫費是由地方粮項下開支,可不可以實支實報?要不要等待上級分配。如定優撫費的分配數目,優撫條例所規定的優撫額數,能否伸縮? (二)我府很珍貴縣級反映上來的辦理擾撫工作的實際情况,和困難問題。蒙化县人民政府,赤裸裸的说出它的具體情况,並提出问题,请求解释。我們很歡迎這種生动的材料,已经把它當作典型來研究解答。 (三)我們研究下來認為(一)所舉的三个問題都與我們的調查統計工作,有密切关系。例如有此專署或县府,喊着他區域內的烈士,有七、八千之多,可是報不出詳細名冊,其他軍工屬與榮退軍 ,更没有詳細调查的統計數字。我府迭次電催各个專區,速報區域以內的烈軍工属,及榮退軍人统計數字,為的就是這些數字與我府編造預算,及西南審核預算都有密切關係。因為有些專區及县報不出確实統計數字,西南及我府核發侵撫經費就不得不出諸於酌量分配,所以我們首先希望各專署各縣的調查統計数字,要快點報上來,要調查得确实,而无遗漏。 (1) The 4th People’s Government of Menghua County, the fourth word of the government, shows the practical difficulties encountered by county-level special care workers. (1) The special care-seeking regulations rigidly stipulate the criteria and the number of special-carers, and the special administrative expenses for each county are allocated by superiors. Into the rice rice, less porridge monk, can not be issued according to regulations. (2) seasonal premiums, to be allocated after the call, time sooner or later, the number of how many, can not be scheduled. When handling, shrinking, I am afraid that the actual number of hair, more than the number of distribution, reimbursement can not afford. (3) Some of the supervisor’s expenses are incurred under the local government subsidies, can they actually be reported? Do not wait for their allocation. Such as the allocation of fixed premiums, the amount of special care given by the special care allowance, can retract? (Two) the government is very precious county level to reflect the actual situation of handling the disruption, and difficult problems. People’s Government of Menghua County, naked to say its specific circumstances, and asked questions, requested an explanation. We very much welcome this vivid material, which we have used as a model to study and answer. (3) All three of the issues cited in our study (1) are closely related to our investigation and statistics work. For example, there are as many as seven or eight thousand martyrs in his agency or county government shouting in his area, but no detailed list of roster, other military industries and regressive military forces have been reported. Nor is there any statistics on detailed investigations. Our office has repeatedly electromagnetically urged all the special districts and rapid-fire military areas within the area of ​​rapid reporting and statistics on the honor of retreating from military personnel. The reason is that these figures are closely related to the preparation of the budget of our government and the audit budget of the southwest. Since some prefectures and counties do not produce any accurate statistics, the funding for the torture of the southwest and our government will have to be discretionaryly distributed. Therefore, we first hope that the statistics of the various counties and counties in the various special agencies should be promptly reported. The investigation was accurate, without omission.
劳拉·米兰达(Laura Miranda)觉得她的左胸植入物在泄漏.rn2016年6月,米兰达拿到了自己的乳房X光线照片,她怀疑乳房的变形可能和乳房植入假体手术(隆胸)有关,但她不确定.rn她
黑河專員公署各市縣旗人民政府: 我省對東北抗聯根據地的優撫工作,多數地區在過去認識不明碓,在工作上存在很多缺點。爲此,特按優撫條例原則及民政部五月七日通知典東北榮軍