布尔津县适宜种植向日葵。开花期无高温干旱天气,夜间气温低,籽粒形成期持续时间长,昼夜温差大,有利于产量形成和油分积累,增产潜力极大。其栽培技术要点如下。 一、播前准备 1、选地。油葵对土壤要求不严,一般PH值6—8,含盐量小于0.4%,排水良好的盐碱地、下潮地等均可种植。 2、整地。向日葵根系庞大,要求进行深耕和搞好播前整地。整地质量达到“齐、平、碎、净、墒”六字标准。 3、选用良种。选用杂交一代良种。要求杂交率90%以上。目前适宜我区种植的品种有:(1)美国杂交油葵G101,生育期115~120天,出仁率76.2%,千粒重76克,含油率49%。(2)新葵杂4号,生育期112~119天,出仁率77.3%,千粒重54.8克,含油率45.7%。
Burqin County suitable for planting sunflowers. No flowering period of high temperature and drought weather, low temperature at night, the formation of grain duration of long, large temperature difference between day and night, is conducive to the formation of oil production and accumulation, great yield potential. The cultivation techniques are as follows. First, sowing preparation 1, the election. Sunflower is not strict on the soil, the general PH value of 6-8, salt content of less than 0.4%, well-drained saline land, the next tide can be planted. 2, site preparation. Sunflower huge roots, requiring deep plowing and pre-sowing before the preparation. Ground preparation quality to “Qi, Ping, broken, net, moisture” six-character standards. 3, selection of seeds. Selection of hybrid generation of elite. Requires more than 90% hybridization rate. Currently suitable for planting varieties in our region are: (1) the United States hybrid sunflower G101, growth period of 115 to 120 days, kernel rate 76.2%, grain weight 76 grams, oil content of 49%. (2) New Kwaiza 4, the growth period of 112 to 119 days, kernel rate of 77.3%, grain weight 54.8 grams, 45.7% oil.