
来源 :广东卫生防疫资料 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhanggexian
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一、学校保健的意义:在日本,从幼儿园到大学所有的在校学生,大约占国民总人数的近1/4。其中,受义务教育(中小学)的儿童、学生占60%以上。他们处于身心发育和成长阶段,有疾病和外伤的问题,对他们的健康成长十分重要,应该特别给予重视。学校保健,包括学生的健康管理和对学生的保健教育互相联系的两方面。学校当局应根据学校保健法(1958年)和学校教育法(1947年),把上述两方面工作作为自己的义务。 First, the significance of school health: In Japan, from kindergarten to university all the students, accounting for nearly 1/4 of the total number of nationals. Among them, compulsory education (primary and secondary schools) children, students accounted for more than 60%. They are at the stage of physical and mental development and growth, and their problems of illness and trauma are very important to their healthy growth. Special attention should be paid to them. School health care includes both the student health management and the student health education. The school authorities should regard these two aspects of work as their own obligations according to the School Health Act (1958) and the School Education Act (1947).