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智对夏默庵夏默庵是湖南安化县羊角乡大岸村人,当过知县,任过教育会长,晚清两湖学院毕业。他学识渊博,熟读经史,喜吟诗作对,孤芳自傲。1917年7月底,毛泽东与好友萧子升游学至安化县,听说夏默庵任劝学所所长,是远近闻名的饱学之士,于是登门求教。可一连两次,均遭拒绝。毛泽东并不灰心,第三次又前去拜访。夏默庵听到门外熟悉的声音,不免暗忖,也许此人真有来头,我倒要试试你有几分才学!于是他先备好文房四宝,再开门相见。待毛泽东坐定,夏默庵遂提笔伏案写道:“绿杨枝上鸟声声,春到也?春去也?”随即示意黾泽东对下联。毛泽东面露微笑,心领神会,稍加思索,便挥笔疾书:“青草池中蛙句句,为公乎?为私乎?”夏默庵看罢,暗自惊讶,这年轻人真是不凡,对联胜过出联,当下心有愧意,立即以礼相待,留其食宿,促膝长谈。 Zhi Mo Xia Mo Xia Mo was born in Daan Village, Yangjiao Township, Anhua County, Hunan Province. He used to be the county leader and served as the president of education, and graduated from the two lakes in the late Qing Dynasty. He is knowledgeable, familiar with the history, poetry and poetry, lonely and arrogant. At the end of July 1917, Mao Zedong and his friend Xiao Zi traveled to Anhua County and learned that Xia Mo was appointed director of the School of Exegetics. He was a well-known and well-educated scholar, and he came to the door to ask for advice. It can be repeated twice. All have been rejected. Mao Zedong was not discouraged and went to visit for the third time. When Shamoo heard the familiar voice outside the door, she could not avoid being jealous. Maybe this person had a comeback. I had to try a bit to learn it. Then he prepared the four treasures of the writing room and opened the door to meet again. After Mao Zedong sat down, Xia Moe wrote the following case and wrote: “The voice of a bird on a branch of green poplar springs to spring? Is it going to spring?” Mao Zedong smiled openly and received a heartfelt thought. He pondered: “The frog sentence in Qing Cao Chi is just for privacy?” Xia Moe looked and secretly surprised. This young man is truly extraordinary. If you have passed out of the Union, you are now ready to take a courtesy, leave your accommodation, and keep your knees talking for a long time.
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职业教育作为社会主义教育事业的重要组成部分,是实施科教兴国战略的重要手段。伴随着美容热的大潮, 一个新兴的教育范畴—美容职业教育也应运而生了,它既是培养美容人才的
日本许多商界要人,都喜爱一篇短短的散文--《青春》,作者塞缪尔·厄尔曼早已作古。此翁1840 年生于德国,年逾70方始写作,笔力巳达老成。 1988年,日本数百名流聚会 Many Japa