This article puts forward a new solution to the bound of the outage probability and transmission capacity of Ad-hoc networks.For the proofs of the upper and lower bounds are too complex,a much easier way is introduced to get the same results,and by using Taylor series,the asymptotic bound is derived.By comparing with the simulation results,we found that the asymptotic bound is sufficient accurate when the network parameters are selected properly,and is tighter than the upper and lower bounds.
This article puts forward a new solution to the bound of the outage probability and transmission capacity of Ad-hoc networks. For the proofs of the upper and lower bounds are too complex, a much easier way is to get the same results, and by using Taylor series, the asymptotic bound is derived.By comparing with the simulation results, we found that the asymptotic bound is sufficient accurate when the network parameters are selected properly, and is tighter than the upper and lower bounds.