一、苗圃地建立 1、苗日地的选择:桃苗圃地宜选择地势平坦,水源方便,排水良好,背风向阳,土层浓厚和疏松肥沃的中性砂质壤土。苗圃地切忌连作,育过桃苗的地一般需隔3~4年后才可用来再育桃树苗,以保证苗木的质量。 2、整地和施肥:播前要适当深耕和精细整地、结合秋耕,按照每亩施充分腐熟的有机肥4000~5000kg及20~25kg过磷酸钙,施足基肥后,进行秋耕,深耕30cm以上。
First, the nursery to establish 1 Miao day to choose: peach nursery should choose flat, water convenient, good drainage, leeward sunny, strong and loose loam of neutral sandy loam. Nursery should not even work together, nurturing peach seedlings generally need to be separated after 3 to 4 years before re-growing peach seedlings in order to ensure the quality of seedlings. 2, land preparation and fertilization: before sowing should be appropriate deep plowing and fine preparation of land, combined with autumn plowing, fully decomposed organic fertilizer per acre applied 4000 ~ 5000kg and 20 ~ 25kg superphosphate, after applying the base fertilizer, autumn plowing, deep plowing 30cm the above.