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7月9日,中共中央政治局常委、中央书记处书记刘云山考察调研原州区工作,在中河乡梁云文化大院,刘云山强调,文化大院在农村、农民群众中具有很强的生命力,要激发群众文化热情,发挥好文化能人、文化带头人的积极作用,在人民的广泛参与中实现文化繁荣发展。近期,本刊记者对原州区文化大院建设进行了深入采访。 On July 9, Liu Yunshan, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and secretary of the CPC Central Committee, investigated and researched the work in the Yuanzhou District. In the Liang Yun Cultural Compound in Zhonghe Township, Liu Yunshan emphasized that the cultural compound has strong vitality among the rural areas and peasant masses We must inspire the enthusiasm of the masses and give play to the positive role of cultural leaders and cultural leaders in realizing the prosperity and development of our culture through extensive participation by the people. Recently, our correspondents on the Yuanzhou District Cultural Compound conducted an in-depth interview.
大坝墓群  满滩卵石做车马  入夜之后,月色的心事足有三尺深  灯尽油干是哪朝的事?风一直野得要命!  (其实,埋在沙石下面的骨殖早就没命了)  没有墓碑,草可以长在时间的裤裆里  也可长在盗墓贼的额头上  要是过滩狼,突然在月亮里长吁短叹  那么疏勒河,潮涨潮落,又是谁的性情呢  春天:沙石生出一抹绿,找半天  却看不到一星谷物的尕影子  秋天:草黄了,草死了,草被风吹折了  怎么红草籽的红,红