一、班主任的教育机智 教育机智是一种教育艺术,它是建立在观察、了解学生的基础之上,是观察的敏锐性,思维的灵活性和意志的果断性三位一体的独特结合。随着心理学渗透到教育的各个领域,作为班主任,应在实践中不断培养自己的心理素质和智力技能,善于急中生智,遇上一些偶尔发生的事件,能够迅速、灵活、准确、巧妙地采取有效措施,“化险为夷”,变被动为主动,收到预期的教育效果。 有一次,班上举行文艺晚会,一个来自老区宁冈县的同学小李,高高兴兴地走上台演唱《小草》这首
First, the class teacher’s education and resourcefulness Wisdom is an educational art, it is based on observation, understanding of students, is the unique combination of observation sensitivity, thinking flexibility and decisiveness of the trinity of the will. With the penetration of psychology into all areas of education, as headteachers, they should continue to develop their own mental quality and intellectual skills in practice, be good at emergencies, experience intelligence, and encounter occasional events that can be quickly, flexibly, accurately, and subtly effective. Measures, “changing risk into security”, become passive and active, and receive the expected educational effect. Once, a class was held in the class and a classmate named Li from Ninggang County in the old district took the stage to sing “The Grass”.