对Fe73 5Cu1 Nb3 Si1 3 5B9等非晶合金进行了退火和激波诱导两种方式的晶化实验以及XRD和DSC分析 .着重对合金的晶化速率和晶化度等特性展开了研究和讨论 .进一步证实了激波纳米晶化是一种包含着新机理的寓意丰富的晶化现象 .也再次验证了作者曾经提出过的“激波流化相变”模型的合理性 .
Annealing and shock induced crystallization of Fe73 5Cu1Nb3Si1 3 5B9 and other amorphous alloys were investigated by two methods, XRD and DSC. The crystallization rate and crystallinity of the alloy were studied and discussed. It is further confirmed that shock nanocrystallization is an implicit crystallographic phenomenon that contains new mechanisms and validates once again the plausibility of the “shock-induced phase transition” model proposed by the authors.