达克宁又称硝酸咪康唑,此药对霉菌有抑制和杀灭作用,常用于体表霉菌所致的癣症。我院收治一例重度霉菌性角膜溃疡合并眼内炎患者,他院及我院都认为是眼球摘除的适应症,但患者不同意手术。当时我地区及我院缺乏二性霉素等药物。我们取得了患者的同意,试用了达克宁霜眼部涂用治疗,收到了临床治愈,报告如下:患者罗某女性,16岁,于1991年11月5日入院住院号141804 20天前,右眼进入异物,用手揉眼后出现怕光、流泪、磨痛。在当地医院对局部及全身应用抗生素和抗病毒药治疗,但病情仍继续发展。20天后,眼分泌物涂片检查发现了镰刀菌。体格检查无异常,无手足癣。右眼视力光感,眼睑水肿、
Dayuning, also known as miconazole nitrate, this drug has inhibitory and killing effect on mold, commonly used in body surface caused by fungal ringworm. A severe case of mycotic corneal ulcer with endophthalmitis was admitted to our hospital. Both his hospital and our hospital considered it an indication of enucleation. However, the patients did not agree with the operation. At that time, my area and our hospital lacked amphotericin and other drugs. We obtained the patient’s consent, try out the treatment of eye drops Creamy cream, received a clinical cure, the report is as follows: Patient Luomou female, 16 years old, admitted to hospital on November 5, 1991 Hospital number 141804 20 days ago, Into the foreign body, rubbed his eyes after the fear of light, tears, grinding pain. Antibiotics and antiviral drugs are administered locally and systemically at local hospitals, but the condition continues to develop. Twenty days later, Fusarium was found in the ocular secretion smears. No abnormal physical examination, no hand, foot and ringworm. Right eye light perception, eyelid edema,