We learned from Hunan Provincial People’s Hospital, Internal Medicine and other units on the use of hydrogen peroxide after the experience in our hospital used in patients with acute hypoxia in two cases, the effect is satisfactory, are as follows: children male, 7 years old, due to fever 17 hours , With headache, frequent vomiting convulsions, confusion, extremities Jueleng, at 5:40 on May 22, 1978 to our hospital emergency room. Admission 38.5 ℃ body temperature (anus), children with unconsciousness, convulsions, pupil left small right, pale ashes, lung breath sounds clear, weak breathing, low heart sound blunt 164 times / min, extremities Jueleng, lips and fingers Toe has cyanosis, blood pressure can not be measured. NS: Neck Resistance, Brinell’s Sign (+). Because of the local epidemic of meningitis, diagnosis: violence