经济、科技发展日趋全球一体化,人们已越来越习惯于用跨文化、多元文化的视 野和方法来研究音乐文化的发展,多元并存成为音乐文化发展的必然态势。人们在 如何对待“古”与“今”、“雅”与“俗”、“中”与“西”问题上,产生了诸多困惑和歧异。文 化价值信仰的认识出现了危机,传统的民族音乐文化身份普遍被怀疑,忽视传统音 乐文化的重要性,更没有意识到传统音乐文化是“新时代构筑国家民族先进文化的 基因”,这些无疑直接影响并作用于人们的现实生活和价值观念。
With the globalization of economy and science and technology, people are increasingly accustomed to studying the development of music culture from the perspectives and methods of intercultural and multiculturalism. Multiple coexistence has become an inevitable trend in the development of music and culture. People have a lot of puzzles and differences on how to treat the “ancient” and “today,” “elegant” and “vulgar,” “middle” and “west.” The recognition of cultural values and beliefs is in crisis. The traditional identity of national music culture is generally suspected and the importance of traditional music culture is neglected, and even less aware of the traditional music culture as a “gene for building a national advanced culture in a new era.” These are undoubtedly directly Affect and act on people’s real life and values.