法国摄影师弗朗西斯·拉特尔(Francis Latreille)从1996年开始就从事北极圈专业探险。2009年首届大理国际影会请我负责国际策展,为了让大理的老百姓看到罕见的北极冰天雪地的场景和地球变暖的威胁,我策划的六个展览中就有拉特尔的《塔拉:五百天的极地漂流》。拉特尔当时跟我说,他来大理之前刚好在法国拉伽西丽摄影节举办了展览,展场上摄影大师马克·吕布对他的作品充满了好奇。马克一边看他的片子一边关心地问他:“北极冷不冷?”拉特尔说:“北
French photographer Francis Latreille has been working on Arctic expeditions since 1996. In 2009, the first Dali International Film Festival invited me to take charge of international curatorial exhibitions. In order to let ordinary people in Dali see the rare Arctic ice-snow scene and the threat of global warming, there are six exhibitions that I plan to include Rattle’s Tara : Five hundred days of polar drifting ”. Rattle told me at the time that just before he came to Dali, he had an exhibition at the La Gassili Photography Festival in France, where the photographer Marc Riboud was curious about his work. Mark asks his film while asking him attentively: “Arctic cold not cold?” Rattle said: "North