近年来 ,马铃薯晚疫病的生物防治则受到越来越多的重视。前人的工作已经证实 ,一些细菌的发酵液 ,叶围和根围真菌对晚疫病菌表现出了直接的抑制作用。一些化学物质、生物及生物产品可以诱导马铃薯产生局部或系统的诱导抗病性 ,本文对诱导抗病性产生的机制进行了讨论 ,归纳和总结了多种抗菌素和诱导剂的作用部位和作用效果。虽然生物防治目前还存在诸多问题 ,然而却显示出非常好的应用前景
In recent years, the biological control of potato late blight has received more and more attention. Previous work has confirmed that some bacterial fermentation broths, leafy and rhizosphere fungi have a direct inhibitory effect on Phytophthora infestans. Some chemical substances, biological and biological products can induce the local or systemic induced disease resistance of potato. In this paper, the mechanism of induction of disease resistance was discussed, and the action site and effect of various antibiotics and inducers were summarized and summarized . Although there are still many problems in biological control, it shows a very good prospect of application