Down氏综合症有许多别名 ,染色体 2 1—三体性性综合症 ,先天愚型综合症 ,染色体 2 2—三体综合症 ,G1 三体性综合症 ,伸舌样痴呆综合症等。主要病因是染色体 2 1对三体病或第 2 1对染色体移到其他的染色体上。我科最近收治一例 ,女性 ,13岁 ,除神经系统 ,眼及颌面部体征外 ,口
Down’s Syndrome There are many aliases, chromosome 2 1-trisomy syndrome, Down’s syndrome, chromosome 2 2 trisomy syndrome, G1 trisomy syndrome, Tongue-like dementia syndrome. The main cause is chromosomal 2 1 trisomy or chromosome 2 1 to other chromosomes. A recent case of our department, female, 13 years old, in addition to the nervous system, eye and maxillofacial signs, the mouth