Recep Tayyip Erdogan was officially sworn in as Turkey’s new president Thursday after comfortably winning the country’s first direct vote to decide its head of state earlier this month.雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安在本月早些时候土耳其首次总统直选中轻松获胜后,于周四(8月28日)正式宣誓就职。(CNN Aug.28,2014)Iraqi president Fouad Massoum nominated Haider al-Abadi as Iraq’s next prime minister on Monday in a move that is likely to increase political tensions with Iraq’s current
Recep Tayyip Erdogan was officially sworn in as Turkey’s new president Thursday after comfortably winning the country’s first direct vote to know its head of state earlier this month. Recep Tayyip Erdogan was officially sworn in as Turkey’s new president After the presidential election easily won, on Thursday (August 28) was formally sworn in. (CNN Aug.28,2014) Iraqi president Fouad Massoum nominated Haider al-Abadi as Iraq’s next prime minister on Monday in a move that is likely to increase political tensions with Iraq’s current