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这里将部分带火字及火字旁的食品来历介绍于后: ──烧卖:烧卖,北京叫烧麦。其来历是:据说有一年除夕,乾隆皇帝私访通州回来,路过北京“都一处”饭店,吃了一顿烧麦,感到味道香美,便挥毫为其题写了“都一处”的匾额。从此,这个小店出了名,这一食品也很快传往各地。至 Here will be part of the word with the word fire and fire next to the origin of the food introduced: ─ ─ Dumplings: dumplings, Beijing called Shaomai. The origins are: It is said that one year New Year’s Eve, Qianlong emperor private visit Tongzhou back, passing Beijing “all in one” hotel, eat a meal of wheat, feel delicious, then brush for the title of “all” plaque. Since then, this shop is famous, the food quickly passed around. to
对园林工程建设中的水土保持技术的应用及相关价值进行分析,增强人们对于水土保持技术的重视成都,实现其作用、价值的最大化发挥。 Analyze the application of soil and wa