立柱式水培樱桃番茄已获成功 ,但生产中存在夏季严重裂果现象 ,极大地影响了品质、产量和经济效益。研究防止裂果的措施 ,已是樱桃番茄水培亟待解决的问题。本试验就樱桃番茄夏季裂果原因以及有效的防止方法加以探讨 ,现将结果报道如下。1 材料和方法1.1 供试品种 樱桃番茄
Pillar hydroponic cherry tomato has been successful, but the production of the summer severe cracking phenomenon, has greatly affected the quality, yield and economic benefits. Studying the measures to prevent fruit cracking has become an urgent problem to be solved in hydroponics of cherry tomatoes. The test on cherry tomatoes in summer cracking reasons and effective ways to prevent it, the results reported below. 1 Materials and methods 1.1 test varieties cherry tomato