
来源 :中小学管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liu55166
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小学班级管理的误区曹玉珍小学班级管理目前还存在如下问题:其一,以罚代管表现为学生犯了错或出现与教师要求不一致的行为时,教师不是晓之以理,动之以情,而常以不正当的惩罚作为管理班级的“法宝”。且惩罚名目繁多,如体罚:轻者推推搡搡,长时间罚站,重者拳脚相加... Misunderstanding of primary school class management Cao Yuzhen primary school class management There are still the following problems: First, the performance of the penalty for the students make a mistake or appear inconsistent with the requirements of the teacher behavior, the teacher is not aware of reason, moving emotional, And often to improper punishment as a management class “magic weapon.” And punish a wide range of names, such as corporal punishment: the light push 搡 搡, a long time to stand, heavy boxing plus ...