记者马红静报道DominoDay全国巡展北京站活动于11月19日隆重举行,自11月6日拉开帷幕以来,该活动已先后在上海、广州等30余个城市举行。今年的主题是“莲花软件为电子商务加油”——帮助那些已经上了电子商务的企业利用协作解决方案将电子商务应用得更好。另悉,Domino.Doc软件(企业文档管理中心)是构架在Lotus Domino通讯基础设施上的企业级分布式文档管理体系,适用于跨地区、跨部门分布式工作组的需求并能对繁杂的文档进行管理。
The reporter Ma Hongjing reported that the Domino Day National Tour Beijing event was held on November 19, and since the curtain was opened on November 6, the event has been held in more than 30 cities including Shanghai and Guangzhou. This year’s theme is “Lotus Software Fuels E-Commerce”—helping those companies that are already e-commerce use collaborative solutions to make e-commerce better. In another development, the Domino.Doc software (Enterprise Document Management Center) is an enterprise-level distributed document management system that is built on the Lotus Domino communications infrastructure. It is suitable for the needs of cross-regional and cross-departmental distributed workgroups and can handle complex documents. Manage it.