龙骨产于我国四川、山东、河北、内蒙古等省区,为古代大爬虫类动物及其他动物骨骼埋于土中而化石者。含有碳酸钙及磷酸钙。中医用为强壮药,有歛心神、潜浮阳、固精、燥湿、镇惊、安寐之效。过去关于龙骨有一些神秘化的传说,我们试图通过分析探索其中是否含有可产生特殊疗效的成分,但未得到肯定结果。由分析结果来看,与动物骨灰差不多。当然其疗效是否与骨灰相同,尚有待药理实验证明。实验部分 (一)样品:承中国科学院古生物研究所供给五种样品如下: (1)象类臼齿:更新世中期,山西丁林产。 (2)猪类臼齿:更新世中期,广西5651地层产。
The keel is produced in Sichuan, Shandong, Hebei, Inner Mongolia, and other provinces and regions, where ancient skeletons of reptiles and other animals are buried in soil and fossilized. Contains calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate. Chinese medicine is a strong drug, with a concentration of mind, potential yang, solid essence, dampness, panic, and ampoules. In the past, there were some mythological myths about the keel. We tried to analyze whether or not it contained components that could produce special curative effects, but there was no positive result. From the analysis results, it is similar to animal ashes. Of course, whether its efficacy is the same as the bone ash, has yet to be proved by pharmacological experiments. Experimental section (1) Samples: The five samples provided by the Institute of Paleontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences are as follows: (1) Elephant caries: In the mid-Pleistocene period, Dinglin, Shanxi Province was produced. (2) Porcine dental caries: Mid-Pleistocene, Guangxi 5651 stratum production.