黄颡鱼,又名江颡、嘎芽子、盎斯鱼,为温水性鱼类,适应性较强,可在各类水域中养殖。其肉质细嫩,味道鲜美,是优良水产品。 黄颡鱼喜栖息于静水或缓流水中,生存温度0~38℃,最适宜的生长水温为22~27℃,水体最适宜的PH值范围为7~8.4,水中适宜溶氧量为3毫
Catfish, also known as jianpi, Ga bud son, ounce fish, warm water fish, adaptable, can be cultured in all types of waters. Its delicate meat, delicious, is a good aquatic products. Catfish hi habitat in the still water or slow flow of water, the survival temperature of 0 ~ 38 ℃, the most suitable temperature for the growth of 22 ~ 27 ℃, the most suitable water PH value range of 7 to 8.4, the appropriate amount of dissolved oxygen in water 3 milliliters