现代汉语的“大家”,当用为表示统括意义的代词时,不能明确地说出所指为何人,只是指具体场合中所有的人。究其语源来说,它应该是由古汉语的“大家”演变而来。起初,它并不是代词,而且其意义也和现在根本不同。 “大家”最早是指王之子弟及公卿大夫的封地: (1)以厥庶民暨厥臣,达大家。(尚书·梓材) 这应该是本义。在此基础上,大体有两个引伸的分枝。第一个分枝是由本义引伸为士大夫之家,如: (2)箕襄、邢带、叔禽、叔椒、子羽,皆大家也。(左传昭公五年)
“Everyone” in modern Chinese, when used as a pronoun that stands for general meaning, can not state clearly what is meant by it, but only refers to all people in a particular situation. For its source, it should evolve from the ancient Chinese “Everyone”. At first it was not a pronoun, and its meaning was fundamentally different from what it was now. “Everyone” is the earliest refers to the children of the king and Gong Qing doctor’s seal: (1) to Jue common people and Jue Chen, reach you. (Shang Shu Zi material) This should be the original meaning. On this basis, there are roughly two branches of extension. The first branch is extended by the original meaning of the Scholar’s home, such as: (2) Kei Hsiang, Xing band, tert bird, pepper, child feather, we all too. (Zuo Zhao Gong five years)