根據過去的報導,我國柑桔上的粉介壳虫類屬於粉介壳虫屬(Pscudoccus)的約有10種。事實上是否僅限於十種?或者在這十種記載中有沒有鑑定和分類上的錯誤?它們在我國柑桔產區的具體分佈情況如何?這是需耍今後實地調查和研究的問題,否則也就不易弄清楚中國柑桔上的檢疫虫相,因而在出口或進口檢驗上是被動的。解放後根據廣東、四川、湖南、淅江等地柑桔區的虫害調查以及海關上的檢驗記錄,大概最常遇見的有以下五種,即長尾粉介壳虫(Pseudococcus longispinus Tary.)、康氏
According to reports in the past, the powdery crustacean on citrus in our country belongs to about 10 species of Pscudoccus. In fact, is it limited to ten species or are there any mistakes in the identification and classification of these ten species? What is their specific distribution in China’s citrus producing areas? This is a question that needs to be investigated and researched in the future. Otherwise, It is not easy to figure out the quarantine pest on Chinese citrus, which is passive on export or import inspection. After liberation According to pest surveys in citrus regions of Guangdong, Sichuan, Hunan and Qijiang, as well as customs inspection records, there are probably the most commonly encountered in the following five species: Pseudococcus longispinus Tary.