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题记牛年春节前夕,《中关村》杂志卫汉青社长送来萧灼基教授新作——中国版的《马克思传》。翻开扉页,有萧老的题词,望着那熟悉的笔迹,蓦然生发无限的感慨。去年曾听汉青先生说,萧老近一年来身体欠安,在病榻上还坚持工作,这部60余万字中国版的《马克思传》就是辛勤劳作伏案笔耕的丰硕成果,用萧老“自序”中的话说——“是我近50年来的最大心愿”。我来《中关村》杂志打工的7年间,感同身受萧老对《中关村》的爱护、支持和办刊的指导,到了“有求必应”的地步。“寒冬时节好读书”。利用春节长假 Inscription on the eve of the Spring Festival in New Year, “Zhongguancun” magazine President Wei Han sent Professor Xiao Zhuoji new work - the Chinese version of “Biography of Marx.” Open the title page, there Xiao old inscriptions, looking at the familiar handwriting, natural hair unlimited emotion. Last year, I listened to Mr. Han Qing and said that in the past year, Xiao was in poor health and persisted in his work on the sickbed. The “Chinese version of Marx’s biography” of more than 60 million words is a fruitful result of hardworking and vigorous writing. “As saying - ” is my biggest wish in 50 years “. When I came to work in Zhongguancun magazine for seven years, I felt empathy for the care, support and guidance of ”Zhongguancun“ by Xiao Lao to the point where ”there is no doubt that I should“. ”Winter season is good study ". Use the Spring Festival holiday
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