各位嘉宾、女士们、先生们: 今天,郑观应先生诞辰160周年纪念大会在这 里隆重开幕。这是历来最高规格的一次全国性的 纪念会。我谨代表主办单位对与会的各位嘉宾和 专家学者致以热烈的欢迎。 世界自工业革命以降,由资本和市场逐渐把 各民族国家纳入到一个以工业文明为背景的世界 体系中来。中国自近代始在工业文明的强大冲击 下,被捲入到这个世界体系中,其自身的生存与 发展受到千古未有的大变局的严峻挑战。顺时而 动、创新求变是中华文明的精髓。风起于青萍之 末而智者事之。在中华文明走向现代的重要关口, 出现了一批开风气之先的思想家、政治家,他们 各以自己的著述,探求维新变革之路,提出了许 多革故鼎新的真知灼见,从而吹响了向新时代迈 进的号角。这方面影响较大的图书有魏源的《海 国图志》、郑观应的《盛世危言》、严复的《天 演论》等。这些图书如同火炬一般照亮了历史的
Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, Today, the commemoration of the 160th anniversary of Mr. Zheng Guanying’s grand opening is here. This is the highest national standard ever commemorative. On behalf of the organizers, I extend a warm welcome to all the distinguished guests and experts and scholars attending the meeting. The world has come down from the Industrial Revolution, and gradually capitalized and market-oriented countries have been incorporated into a world system based on industrial civilization. Since the beginning of modern China, under the powerful impact of industrial civilization, China has been involved in this world system. Its own survival and development have been harshly challenged by unprecedented changes. Time moves, innovation is the essence of Chinese civilization. Wind at the end of Qing Ping and wise things. At the important juncture of the coming of Chinese civilization into the modern era, a number of pioneering thinkers and statesmen emerged with their own writings and sought new ways to reform and reform, put forward many new insights and ideas, and sounded a new era Stepping into the horn. The most influential books in this area include Wei Yuan’s “Sea State Map”, Zheng Guanying’s “Golden Age” and Yan Fu’s “Evolution and Ethics”. These books illuminate history like a torch