Coal plant soot particulate organic solvents (nitromethane and methylene chloride) and aqueous two types of extracts can be effectively enhanced to speed up the U denfriend reaction system deoxyribose (dR) hydroxylation and rendering A certain dose-effect relationship. This result was also obtained using deoxyadenosine (dA) instead. Fuel oil soot particles do not have the above effect. By ESR measurement, coal-fired plant soot particle g value of 2 0016; fuel oil fume particle free radical g value of 2 1008, the former close to semi-quinone free radicals, the latter is similar to the atmospheric fly ash A completely different nature of the broad spectrum, stable free radicals. It is suggested that the mutagenicity and carcinogenicity of soot are related to the accelerating effect of OH and its oxidative damage to DNA.