1.播种期。白菜属于十字花科菁苔属的二年生植物,第一年为营养生长,第二年为生殖生长,我市常规是在每年9月份开始到关内小南繁,种源以科研单位为主,一般10月上甸开始播种。 2.合理选茬,精细整地。连年繁殖白菜种籽的地发病严重,要避免重迎茬,以葱、蒜类、茄果类,或大田作物为前茬,前茬作物收获后,应及时耕翻,耙耢,亩施农家肥2500~5000公斤,过磷酸钙25千克。 3.地块选择。育苗地块应选择,地势平坦、肥沃、排水良好、座北向阳,为幼苗生长奠定物质基础。 4.苗期为营养生长的前期,幼苗发育如何直接关系到种株大小,产量高低,越冬成活率的强弱。所以,常
Sowing date Cabbage belongs to the cruciferous genus of biennial plants, the first year of vegetative growth, the second year of reproductive growth, the city routine is in September each year to the closure of small South Fan, provenance to scientific research units, generally 10 Month Austin began sowing. 2. Reasonable selection, fine preparation. In recent years, the breeding of cabbage seed germination to be serious, to avoid the heavy stubble, with onions, garlic, eggplant, or field crops as the former crop, the former crop harvest, it should promptly tillage, rake 耢, Mushi farmhouse Fertilizer 2500 ~ 5000 kg, superphosphate 25 kg. 3. Plot selection. Nursery plots should be selected, flat, fertile, well drained, seat north to the sun, lay the material foundation for seedling growth. Seedling stage of vegetative growth, seedling development is directly related to the size of the plant, the level of production, the strength of the survival rate of overwintering. So often