Spatiospectral transformation of noncollimated light beams diffracted by ultrasound in birefringent

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Spatiospectral structure of wave phase matching in birefringent crystals has a strong dependence on the geometry of the acousto-optic interaction and incident light spectrum. This dependence defines details of light beam profile transformation. It is especially important for imaging applications related to a large angular aperture and a wide spectral bandwidth of the incident light. In this paper, we demonstrate accurate three-dimensional plotting of a light transmission pattern without small birefringence approximation. The rather complicated shape of the phase-matching locus in the spatiospectral domain inevitably leads to residual spatially nonuniform chromatic aberrations in the spectral image. Theoretical consideration and computational modeling are confirmed by the experiments on Bragg diffraction in paratellurite crystal. The results are especially important for the development of acousto-optical imaging devices and laser beam shaping technologies.
由(2十1)多光子电离方法获得澳分子68800~69600 cm-1范围内的[∏3/2]4d偶宇称里德堡态转动激发光谱,通过对转动光谱的分析,确定了转动常数,B81-81=0.08688。并对电子角动量进行了标定,角动量Ω=1。
基于多波长消光法和图像法颗粒测量原理,提出了跨微米尺度混合颗粒粒径同步测量方法,建立了亚微米-十微米尺度颗粒粒径消光光谱反演算法及十微米以上尺度颗粒粒径图像处理算法;采用分光棱镜,搭建了消光光谱与背光图像同步测量装置,利用500 nm~76.9μm粒径范围内的10种标准颗粒配成跨微米尺度混合颗粒样品并开展实验研究。结果表明:利用所提方法开展跨微米尺度混合颗粒粒径同步测量时,亚微米-十微米尺度颗粒消
日本夏普公司1989年1月底起将出售激光打印机用的半导体激光驱动器集成电路IR3C09。样品价格1500日元。计划月产10万个。内有将半导体激光器的光输出误差控制在1%以内的电路。并附有能高速开关(20 MHz)的脉冲驱动激光驱动器和激光寿命检测(报警)功能等,从而实现高功能化。把它用于激光打印机,可提高印字质量,并实现高速化。
研究了如何在不需要量子态重构的前提下直接测量一个两比特任意纯态的纠缠concurrence。设计了一个concurrence的直接测量量子线路,即通过对待测纠缠粒子对的两个全同拷贝实施σz 操作、单比特R旋转操作以及奇偶宇称校验检测,使得concurrence被编码在最后获得某些状态的概率中,从而实现对concurrence的直接测量。在给出concurrence直接测量的量子线路的基础上,基于光学系统设计了一个直接测量光子偏振纠缠concurrence的物理方案,实现两比特耦合的奇偶宇称校验检测操作只出
We demonstrate the non-mechanical beam steering and amplifier operation of a vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL) integrated Bragg reflector waveguide amplifier with a cut-off wavelength detuning design, which enables unidirectional lateral coup