该文提出了一种基于知识的汽车发动机润滑油状态监测系统模型,并简要介绍了该系统的基本原理与构成,由于其中心处理部分基于一个知识系统上,因此具有比一般的润滑油状态监测系统更强的功能,能实现对在用润滑油衰变及发动机磨损状态的自动推理和判断.在具体分析的基础上,说明了该系统实现的可行性.“,”This paper put forward a kind of model about the knowledge - based system of monitoring the automotive engine oil condition. The base theory and constitution of the system were introduced generally. Because the system is based on a knowledge -base, it has more powerful function than other similar system, and can deduce and judge the oil s degradation and engine s friction automatically. On the base of the analysis, the feasibility of the system has been verified.