朋友,你想知道巴金对于电视剧的一些见解吗? 最近,从剑波、天矞二位老师那里借来巴金寄赠给这两位老友的《病中集》。这是一本由香港三联书店出版的“回忆与随想文丛”的“随想录第四集”。巴老在扉页上签名的时间是“八四年十二月”。有幸拜读,先睹为快,我禁不住一口气把它读完了,其中有一段文字是他病中看电视剧的随想,针对当前电视剧的编、导、演、以及社会效果,反映等方面,提出了十分中肯的意见,寄予殷切的希望。由于国内一般读者,还不太容易读到这本书,把这一段抄录如下:
Friends, you want to know some of Ba Jin’s views on the TV series? Recently, from Jianbo, Tianzhu two teachers borrowed from Ba Jin donated to these two old friend’s “sick set.” This is a book by the Hong Kong Joint Publishing, “Memory and Random Thoughts Cong Cong,” Episode fourth episode. Papa’s signature on the title page was “December 1984”. Fortunate to read, preview, I can not help but finish it in one breath, one of the text is his illness in the TV drama of thought, in view of the current drama series, guide, performance, and social effects, reflect, etc., made very pertinent Opinion, placed ardent hope. As the domestic general readers, it is not easy to read this book, this section is reproduced as follows: