Patient history, female, 46 years old, farmer, hospital number 185192. On December 25, 1982 began a headache, followed by fever about 38 ℃. The next day there was confusion, nonsense, on the 27th to the commune hospital. At that time, check the consciousness, neck resistance, left Kirschner sign (+), cerebrospinal fluid clear, Pan’s test (+), leukocytes 26, sugar 40mg / dl. To be diagnosed “viral encephalitis”, hospitalized to give hormones, chloramphenicol treatment. 28 awareness to clear, normal body temperature. Infusions were stopped on January 3, 1983, and headache, vomiting soon followed, again becoming unconscious. Body temperature about 39 ℃, neck strength, left Kirschner sign (+), right upper limb muscle strength difference. January 6 review of cerebrospinal fluid color yellow, Pan’s test (++), white blood cells 78.