傅章强走来了,从上海海运学院走进了浦东软件园,从一文不名的学生成为拥有五家公司的老总。 他一手创办的必特软件有限公司不仅保持了快速增长的势头,还将公司发展的战略目标扩展到了北京、福建、武汉、广州等国内一些省市,蓄势向国际市场进军。 江总书记在视察浦东软件园时,曾称赞这位上海大学生创业成功第一人:敢说、敢学、敢做。
Fu Zhangqiang walked from the Shanghai Maritime University into the Pudong Software Park, from anonymous students to become a boss with five companies. He founded Biotech Co., Ltd. not only to maintain the momentum of rapid growth, but also the company’s strategic objectives expanded to Beijing, Fujian, Wuhan, Guangzhou and other provinces and cities in China, ready to march into the international market. During his visit to Pudong Software Park, General Secretary Jiang once praised the Shanghai University student for pioneering success: dare to say, dare to learn and dare to do something.