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  难得一聚的朋友们互相问候,相互祝愿,也祝福远方的老朋友,以表达彼此的思念之情。另外,我们借此多学几个祝福或祝愿语:生意兴隆(wish your business success);一帆风顺(wish you every success);鹏程万里(have a bright future);大吉大利(wish you good fortune and every success);恭喜发财(may prosperity be with you)。
  Olivia: Hey! Good to see you again!
  Sarah/Magda: Hey! You too!
  Harry: Hello Sarah, hi Magda.
  Sarah: How are you Olivia? Harry! Great to see you too.
  Olivia: Fine, fine thanks, all well. Tony!? Could we have some coffees over here please?
  Tony: OK, OK...hold on...1)I’m
  rushed off me feet here.
  Harry (aside): He’s always so
  miserable, so 2)grumpy that guy.
  Olivia: He’s not really, it’s just his
  Harry: I’ll believe you then...his
  coffee’s always good!
  Olivia: So, how are you two
  getting on?
  Magda: Fine. It’s great, we’ve got
  this really nice flat.
  Sarah: We moved into Harry’s old
  Olivia: Oh yeah, I remember.
  How’s it going? No problems?
  Still friends? It’s not always easy
  sharing a flat.
  Sarah/Magda: No, no problems.
  Sarah: Except she leaves the top off the 3)toothpaste tube.
  Magda: ...and she spends too much time watching soap operas on TV!
  (both laugh)
  Sarah: No, really, we’re getting along fine.
  Magda: The only problem is the rent.
  Sarah: It’s really expensive.
  Magda: I still need to find that proper job, and that depends on me getting the right degree results.
  Olivia: Yeah, I remember you telling me. When
  will you find out?
  Magda: Next week.
  Olivia: Fingers crossed, then!
  Magda: Fingers what?
  Olivia: Oh! Crossed. It’s what we say when we hope for something good to happen.
  Magda: Oh, OK...fingers crossed! Olivia: Has anybody heard from Johnny? Sarah?
  Sarah: Just because we’re both Chinese doesn’t mean we keep in touch all the time, you know! There are a lot of people in China!(laughs)
  Olivia: Of course...sorry...I just thought...
  Sarah: He was more of a friend of yours, wasn’t he, Harry?
  Harry: Yeah, we’re good mates. I hear from him
  all the time.
  Sarah: How’s he doing?
  Harry: He’s still in Chongqing with his new job.
  He says it’s really interesting, really exciting, but
  he misses us—and he wants to come back to
  Magda: Fingers crossed!   Sarah: And how about you Harry? What are you up to? Are you still job hunting?
  Harry: Yeah, that’s right. I’m still looking for a new job.
  Magda: Any luck?
  Harry: I haven’t found anything yet, but I’ve got a few possibilities. I really liked not working at first, I really enjoyed the free time, but now—well, I need the money, and also—well, I just get bored if I haven’t got something to do all the time.
  Magda: Where’s Fadi, Olivia? I haven’t seen him for ages.
  Olivia: Why ask me?
  Magda: I thought you’d know...y’know, you’re like, good friends, aren’t you?
  Olivia: Yes, that’s exactly what we are. Good friends. Nothing more.
  Magda: I wasn’t suggesting anything! (laughs) Olivia: I hope not! Anyway, he’s away at the moment, gone to visit his family. He’ll be back next week.
  Tony: Here you are...four coffees.
  All: Thanks Tony!
  Tony: (grunts)
  Olivia: Cheer up Tony.
  Harry: Yeah...it can only get worse!
  Tony: It might get worse! This café might be closing down soon, so then you’ll all have to find somewhere else to go.
  All: Oh no!
  Olivia: What’s this all about, Tony?
  Tony: A big property company—they’re building new luxury flats, just behind here. They want to get rid of these old buildings.
  Magda: “Get rid of”?
  Tony: Yeah...knock them down. 4)Demolish them.
  All: Oh no, that’s terrible!
  Tony: It is terrible! I’ve worked here for ages. I mean, they’re offering me compensation, but I want to stay here.
  Olivia: Oh no...I’ve just realised...perhaps that means my shop’s affected too.
  Tony: It might be. Your shop’s only next door.
  Olivia: They can’t knock my shop down! We must do something.

  格林威治天文台(Royal Greenwich Observatory,简称RGO)是英国国王查理二世于1675年在伦敦格林威治建造的一个综合性天文台,在当年8月10日安放了奠基石,同时国王也创建了皇家天文学家的职位(第一位担任此职的是约翰·弗兰斯蒂德),以担任天文台的台长和“致力于以最诚挚的关心和努力校正天体运动的星表,和恒星的位置,以便能正确地定出经度,使导航成为完美的艺术”。天文台坐落于格林威治公园俯瞰伦敦泰晤士河的一座小山上。
<正> 甲硝唑(Metronidazole)又名灭滴灵,为一高效抗阿米巴、滴虫药。1978年被世界卫生组织(WHO)确定为治疗厌氧菌感染的首选药,目前国内外已广泛应用于临床。 近年来发现该药
摘 要 蜗杆传动机构是一种常用机械传动方式,在机械原理和机械设计基础教学中讲授该知识点时,常用左右手法则判别蜗杆传动机构运动方向。结合实际教学经验,介绍速度矢量图法,总结三角形法判别蜗杆蜗轮运动方向,可供学生及教师参考。  关键词 蜗杆传动机构;左右手法则;速度矢量图法;三角形法  中图分类号:G642.4 文献标识码:B  文章编号:1671-489X(2015)20-0120-02  蜗杆传动
人人都希望身体健康、远离疾病,但偶尔生病也在所难免。当到医院看病时,就需要非常准确地说出自己的病症,这样医生才能对症下药。那么让我们一起来学习看病的英语表达吧。  Doctor:  今天哪儿不舒服吗?  So what seems to be the problem today?  你的这些症状持续多长时间了?  How long have you had these 1)symptoms?  还
摘 要 足球训练不能缺少多媒体技术的作用。作为学校的足球教练员,结合平时带队训练的体会,谈一谈多媒体技术在校园足球训练中的应用。  关键词 校园足球;训练;多媒体  中图分类号:G633.96 文献标识码:B  文章编号:1671-489X(2015)09-0136-02  校园足球活动正在中国大地红红火火地开展,让人们看到了中国足球的希望。然而,作为一名足球教练员,如何指导学生的技术和战术,如何
早上来到年级组时,办公室的其他同事还没有来,就给自己倒上一杯暖暖的白开水,坐在办公桌前看那窗外的风景。  目光游离处无意间发现操场南面的几棵香樟要比北面的茂密许多,这是为什么?细细一想,原因很简单——南面的阳光更为充足。想到这,我不禁陷入沉思:树的成长需要阳光的照耀,那些被我们比喻为花朵的学生,他们的成长不是更需要陽光的爱抚吗?这阳光应该是尊重,是关心,是赞赏,是浓浓的师爱。  来东小的时间也不算
摘 要 工業分析与检验作为一个工作行业领域覆盖非常广泛的专业,近年来面临人才培养模式与现代化企业需求脱轨的境地。以工业分析与检验专业就业方向为导向,以企业对专业人才需求为宗旨,在工业分析与检验专业人才培养上构建“课程一体化、专业模块化”的教学体系,在深度优化课程结构体系的同时,探索贴合时代与企业需求的工业分析与检验的人才培养模式。  关键词 工业分析与检验;教学体系;模块化  中图分类号:G712